Experienced Lawyers in Grande Prairie
If you have been charged with a criminal offence, or believe you may about to be charged, you are about to face one of the most stressful experiences of your life. It is critical that you obtain the advice and services of a local criminal defence lawyer. A defence lawyer who has focused their experience, professional relationships and knowledge to your specific situation and location in order to help you through each stage of this very serious process and produce the most beneficial outcome for you. To discuss your case with our Grande Prairie lawyers, get in touch with us today.
Why Choose Us?​
If you have been arrested and charged by the police then you know your liberties are already being restricted. You likely have been placed on restrictive conditions and you now have to appear in Court. When you do get to Court you are presented with a range of options, in an unfamiliar situation, where the choices you make and the repercussions therein can be very serious and potentially life altering. It's important you contact the law offices of Banks Gubbins Tomlinson to ensure you have the best advice in navigating this complicated process.
While you are constitutionally presumed innocent, that will not stop the police and Crown from marshaling the considerable resources at their disposal to prosecute you to the full extent of the law. In order to best handle this adversarial process you need to first know your rights and then you need to know how to defend them. That is where the lawyers at Banks Gubbins Tomlinson Law Offices excel.
As an association of lawyers that exclusively practices criminal defence law, we are constantly immersed in all aspects of criminal law 24/7. We interact with local Grande Prairie Court Clerks, Judges and Crown Prosecutors on a daily basis, thereby remaining current on the latest general practices and procedures employed by the Justice System but also with variations that are specific to Grande Prairie.
Knowing the law and understanding how to apply it is one thing, but the lawyers at Banks Gubbins Tonlinson Law Offices know it is also important to understand your particular circumstances, your history, and your priorities. We will take the time to meet with you and listen to you so we can represent you better.
Speak to Our Attorneys
We encourage you to explore this website to learn more about the services that our lawyers in Grande Prairie can offer you. We handle all types of criminal matters including, but not limited to, driving offences, drug offences, violent offences, other federal offences and bail hearings. Contact us today to arrange a free consultation so we can help you in navigating your particular legal situation.

Experienced in the Law
Specific to your needs
At your convenience